Posted by: x | November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day


We spent the day with my man’s family, or “the in-laws” as some say.

His mom and sister were hard at work in the kitchen.

While I was basically just hanging out and taking pictures.

And now, drum roll please, as we bring you…

The Feast:

The Brothers:

And my girl. She ate a whole turkey leg. And cranberry jello. And nothing else.

She’s a purist, when it comes to food — as in, purely the few things she likes.

After the feast, we made Indian crowns and necklaces.

They were very authentic.

The cousins were there.

My girls think cousins are similar to brothers — that they are all boys.

I keep trying to tell them that there such things as girl cousins.

But I’m not sure they believe me.

At any rate, they have a blast with their cousins.

They decided that the coloring table was a campfire, and started to “dance” around it.

Who needs football when you have this for entertainment?

That’s rhetorical of course — football is essential to American life.

More on that tomorrow.

Most of the birthdays in my man’s family are in the fall, so this was a double celebration.

The two beautiful pies in front were made by Donna and Maranatha.

I made the bumpy one hiding in the back. But I made some rum sauce to go with it.

Rum makes anything prettier, don’t you think?

Here’s someone who doesn’t need any help in being beautiful — our beloved Granny.

And Granddad too —
what a blessing to have four generations celebrate Thanksgiving together!

That is definitely something to be thankful for.

It was the first year that I hadn’t been with my family on Thanksgiving,
but it was truly a wonderful time.

I am so blessed to have such wonderful “in-laws.”

Who invented that term anyway?

As Steve Martin said, “Does that mean that I’m legally bound to these people?”

If you don’t get that, just go watch Father of the Bride.

You will laugh. You’ll thank me. I promise.

Anyway, as I said, it was a wonderful day.
And we get to do it all over again tomorrow with my family!

They say the first Thanksgiving lasted three days.
We’re just trying to keep that tradition going. Because I like traditions.
And I love holidays!


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